The Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP) is a public university located in the city of Puebla, in the state of Puebla, in central Mexico. It is the oldest and largest institution of higher education in the state of Puebla, and one of the oldest in the country.
The university was founded on April 25, 1578, by a royal decree issued by King Philip II of Spain. It was the first university in what is now Mexico. The university has a long tradition of educating some of Mexico’s most prominent intellectuals, including Nobel laureate Alfonso Reyes and philosopher Samuel Ramos.
Location and campus
The main campus of the university is located in the city of Puebla, about 130 kilometers (80 miles) southeast of Mexico City. The campus is spread out over a large area of the city, and includes several historic buildings.
The university also has campuses in the cities of Tlaxcala, Apizaco, and Cuautlancingo.
The university offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs. It is organized into 11 schools and 33 departments.
The school of engineering is one of the most prestigious at the university, and has produced some of Mexico’s most prominent engineers, including Nobel laureate Mario Molina.
Student life
The university has a vibrant student life, with a large number of student organizations and clubs. There are also a number of cultural and sports events organized by the university.
Notable alumni
Some of the most notable alumni of the university include:
– Nobel laureate Alfonso Reyes
– Philosopher Samuel Ramos
– Nobel laureate Mario Molina
– President of Mexico Enrique Peña Nieto

Ex-estudiante de la BUAP, Ingeniera en Ciencias de la Computación, Master en Educación Superior, Docente por vocación. Me gusta pensar que contribuyo a mejorar el sistema educativo de nuestro país y este proyecto llamado Autoservicio BUAP es un grano de arena mas para lograr ese objetivo.